Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives?

Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives

We are excited to bring you the "Elements" collection, which we created with inspiration from the elements, the most fundamental source of the balance of nature and life. In this article, we will talk about Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives.

In the creation process of this collection, we were very curious about how the elements were interpreted throughout history, how famous philosophers evaluated the elements. This week, we ask; both ourselves and you; "Where do fire, water, earth, and air stand in our daily lives?"

Let's start with the idea that elements determine our character traits. According to this idea, each element corresponds to a base value. There is a morality against fire, aesthetics, and spirit against water; the air is associated with the mind and the earth element with everything physical.

Elements: Feminine and Masculine Principles

Two of the elements (air and fire) contain masculine energies and two (water and earth) contain feminine energies. That's why they need each other's assets. Because think about it, is it possible for a fire to burn without air? Or does the soil not dry out when it is dehydrated? All four elements almost complete each other and as we always say, when they come together, they form the balance of nature and life. Now, let's get to know the elements closely with their unique properties.

The fire element is known for adjectives such as creativity, charm, independence. People who have a connection with this element in which assertiveness and leadership come to the fore are generally; accepted to have a structure that gets angry easily and cools off quickly, has a sharp mind, and takes quick action. The values ​​with which the water element is in close contact are sensuality, sensitivity, and intuition. Water is also recognized as the wisest element.

The air element is associated with communication issues as it carries sound and thought waves. It represents the mind, scientificity, logic, intellectual skill and is at the center of everything that works through the mind. Finally, the earth element is associated with the concept of physicality. Words such as order, trust, habit come to the fore here; All objects that can be heard, seen, held, tasted, and smelled connect with the earth element.

Chakras and Elements

Let's talk a little bit about the relationship between elements and the chakras. There are 7 different energy points in our body and we call these points 'chakras'. Chakras are known as the determinants of our psychological and mental tendencies, as well as their physical functions. You may have learned this basic information before, but did you know that the 4 chakras in the lower part of our body are called the "four teams" and each of them is connected to the elements of fire, earth, water, air?

You can examine our SuCo flasks that we have prepared for the elements.

Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives

1. Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara)

It pairs with the earth element. Located at the end of the coccyx, this chakra is the vital foundation of other chakras. Its biggest feature is; connecting us to the physical, tangible material world. In other words, the Root Chakra represents matters related to our basic needs.

Mini Tip to Activate the Root Chakra

Watch the sunrise or set, go for nature walks, step on the grass with bare feet, feet rooted to the ground. Experience grounding.

2. Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

Its element is water and is located in the lower back, between the pelvis and the navel. With the Sacral Chakra, we go beyond basic needs and focus on relationships with others. Concepts such as sensitivity and flexibility enter the scene here. If you remember, we said that emotionality is among the values that water matches, so emotional balance is also at the focus of this chakra. Here, emotional joy and enthusiasm come to the fore; body, mind, and spirit balance are provided.

Mini Suggestion to Activate the Sacral Chakra: Do the hula hoop in connection with the joyful and exuberant moods that the Sacral Chakra brings, and feel the fun inside. Take advantage of the full moon dates and watch the reflection of the moonlight on the water, listen to the fluidity in your body.

Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives

3 Chakras: To Solar Phlexus (Manipuraka)

This chakra, whose element is fire, is located between the navel and the rib cage. Known as the energy center of the body, Solar Plexus coincides with the active, lively, and enterprising features of the fire element. It represents more introversion and covers topics such as the realization of personal power, spiritual growth, and development.

Mini-Tip to Activate Solar Plexus

Imagine an area where sunlight is reflected and try to feel the heat of the sun on your body. Dance, notice the energy in your body, and project it out as it is.

4th Chakra: Heart Chakra

It is associated with the element of air. It coincides with the place where the heart is on the spine and symbolizes the unconditional love one has for others, especially for himself. Since the Heart Chakra is connected to the three lower chakras, it is considered the center of the entire chakra system.

Mini Tip to Activate the Heart Chakra

Based on the fact that the colors of the Heart Chakra are known as green and pink; Take a walk in the green countryside, visualize pink flowers in your mind, imagine a pink sky.

Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives

Let's talk about one more practice that helps to activate all the chakras: elemental yoga. Did you know that some of the yoga poses called “Asanas” are aimed at improving the functioning of your chakras, which are directly related to the four elements?

Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives?

Let's take a look at the yoga poses associated with each element before we end our article. Soil; we said it represents stability, control, and order. It is possible to feel this commitment with Malasana (Garland Pose); Due to the technique of the pose, you can experience rooting with the soles of your feet, which you press firmly on the ground. When the water element is mentioned, if you remember, the state of being soft and flowing entered the scene. The One-Legged King Pigeon Pose, also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, is a pose recommended to activate the Sacral Chakra, located between the pelvis and the navel.

Yoga poses that work the upper abdomen are known for activating the Solar Pleux chakra, located between the belly button and the rib cage. Navasana (Boat Pose), one of these poses, makes you feel the vitality and energy in your body, thus connecting with the fire element. Finally, the air element focuses on mobility and brings with it yoga poses that allow effortless movement. For example, Ustrasana (Camel Pose) activates the Heart Chakra, allowing you to experience states of expansion, liberation, and lightness.

In this article, we talked about Where Do Elements Stand In Our Daily Lives. In our previous article: https://suco.uk/blogs/news/world-environment-day-show-your-respect-for-nature

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World Environment Day

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